Issue 1 – April 2024

Volume 8, Issue 1– April 2024
Volume 8 (2024), Issue 1 # 1-9
These reviews may be found on the Research Africa Reviews website.

#1 Literature Review: UN and AU’s Response: Working Towards the Palestine-Israel Conflict.
Written by: Muhammed Haron, former Professor of Religious Studies: University of Botswana & Associate Researcher: Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

#2 Literature Review: Building Africa: A Bold Blueprint for the 21st Century.
Written by: Mbaye Lo, Duke University.

#3 Book: Maghreb noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial Future.
Author: Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik . Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Marta Scaglioni, Cà Foscari University of Venice.

#4 Book: Maghreb noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial Future.
Author: Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik. Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Moussa Seck, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

#5 Book: The Quest for Unity: An Appraisal of Regional Integration in Africa.
Author: Sizo Nkala and David Monyae (editors). Year: 2023
Reviewed by: Donald P. Chimanikire, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Governance and Public Management, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe.

#6 Book: Black Existential Freedom.
Author: Nathalie Etoke. Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Adeshina Afolayan, Department of Philosophy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

#7 Book: Ethnicity, Identity, and Conceptualizing Community in Indian Ocean East Africa.
Author: Daren Ray. Year: 2024.
Reviewed by: Nathaniel Mathews, SUNY-Binghamton.

#8 Book: Transnational families in Africa: Migrants and the role of the information technology.
Author: SMaria C Marchetti-Mercer, Leslie Swartz, and Loretta Baldassar (editors). Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Samwel S. Mhajida, Dar es Salaam Unioversity, College of Education, Tanzania.

#9 Book: The Starving Empire: A History of Famine in France’s Colonies.
Author: Yan Slobodkin. Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Avenel Rolfsen, Indiana University- Bloomington.

Review Team
Editor-In-Chief & Associate Editors
• Muhammed Haron, former Professor of Religious Studies: University of Botswana & Associate Researcher: Stellenbosch University, South Africa. ( (Editor-In-Chief);
• Wendy Wilson-Fall, Professor and Chair, Africana Studies Program Oeschle Center for International Education, Lafayette College (;
• Bamba Drame, PhD, Dar El Hadith El Hassaniya Institute, Rabat Morocco, (;
• Alinah Segobye, Professor, Northwest University, South Africa & Botswana, (;
• Ifeyinwa Okolo, Associate Professor, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria, (;
• Hamdy Hassan, Professor of political science, Cairo University, Egypt & Zayd University, UAE (
• Mbaye Lo, Associate Professor of the Practice, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, and International Comparative Studies, Duke University; (

Research Africa
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ISSN 2575-6990.