Volume 3, Issue 3– December, 2019
Volume 3 (2019), Issue 3 # 1-11
These reviews may be found on the Research Africa Reviews website
RA Reviews’ Editorial Voice:
Research Africa Reviews: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Muḥammed Haron and Mbaye Lo
#1 Literature Review: HIV Treatment and Research in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Progress Report.
Review Essay by: John A. Bartlett, MD, Professor of Medicine, Global Health and Nursing
Duke University Medical Center; Professor of Medicine, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Tanzania.
Charles Muiruri, PhD; Medical Instructor; Department of Population Health Sciences
Duke University School of Medicine; Visiting Lecturer; Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College.
Habib Omari, MD, PhD; Research Associate; University of Maryland School of Medicine.
#2 Literature Review: Towards Africa’s Renaissance: Elevating the Status of Local Languages as Part of the Liberation Praxis Process in the Global Space.
Review Essay by: Ahmadou Siendou Konaté, Felix Houphouet-Boigny University Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
#3 Literature Review: The Imam (is): A Danger to the (Apartheid) State: A Review Essay.
Review Essay by: Muhammed Haron, University of Botswana/University of Stellenbosch.
#4 Book: Revelations of Domination and Silence: Unearthing the Buried Past of the Akpini, Akan, Germans and British at Kpando, Ghana.
Author: Wazi Apoh. Year: 2019.
Reviewed by: Saibu Mutaru, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
#5 Book: Counterterrorism Law and Practice in the East African.
Author: Christopher E. Bailey. Year: 2019.
Reviewed by: Hassan Ndzovu, Moi University, Kenya.
#6 Book:
Postcolonial Automobility: Car Culture in West Africa.
Author: Lindsey B. Green-Simms. Year: 2017.
Reviewed by: Devin Bryson, Illinois College, U.S.A.
#7 Book: Problematizing the Foreign Shop: Justifications for Restricting the Migrant Spaza Sector in South Africa.
Author: Vanya Gastrow. Year: 2018.
Reviewed by: Addamms Songe Mututa, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
#8 Book: Migration in A Globalizing World: Perspectives from Ghana. Legon, Accra, Ghana.
Author: Mariama Awumbila, Delali Badasu, and Joseph Teye (eds.). Year: 2018.
Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Nada Mustafa Ali, University of Massachusetts Boston.
#9 Book: African Countries and the Global Scramble for China</em>.
Author: Ngonlardje Kabra Mbaidjol. Year: 2018.
Reviewed by: Bourouayah Mohamed /Former Vice-rector of Emir Abdelkader University. Constantine, Algeria.
Arabic Books
#10 Book:
كتاب: الإسلاميون والسلطة في الجزائر: مسارات العلاقة مع بوتفليقة. المؤلف: أبو الفضل كامل محمود محمد، عدد الصفحات: 228، دار النشر: المركز العراقي- الأفريقي للدراسات الاستراتيجية – بغداد– 2019.
[Islamists and Political Power in Algeria]
Reviewed by: Farida Bendary, Scientific Society for African Affairs, Cairo/ Cairo University.
#11 Book:
كتاب: دراسة توثيقية عن الحراك الشعبي في السودان. المؤلف: خليل منون، دار النشر: مركز البحوث العربية والإفريقية, القاهرة, عدد الصفحات: 368– 2019
[Archiving the Sudanese Protest]
Reviewed by: Khalid Makkawi, Arab and African Research Center, Cairo.
Review Team
Editor-In-Chief & Associate Editors:
• Muhammed Haron, Professor of Religious Studies, University of Botswana/University of Stellenbosch (haronm@mopipi.ub.bw).(Editor-In-Chief);
• Wendy Wilson-Fall, Associate Professor and Chair, Africana Studies Program Oeschle Center for International Education, Lafayette College (wilsonfw@lafayette.edu);
• Hassan Juma Ndzovu, PhD. Senior Lecturer of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Moi University, Kenya (hassan.ndzovu@gmail.com);
• Yunus Dumbe, PhD. Religious Studies Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Accra, Ghana, (ydumbe@gmail.com);
• Badr Abdelfattah Badr, PhD. Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (badr_elkafy@edu.asu.edu.eg);
• Bamba Drame, Dar El Hadith El Hassaniyya Institute, Rabat, Morocco, (ndrame.online@gmail.com);
• Mbaye Lo, Associate Professor of the Practice, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies & International Comparative Studies, Duke University; (mbayelo@duke.edu).
Research Africa
Copyright © 2019 by Research Africa, (research_africa-editor@duke.edu), all rights reserved. RA allows for copy and redistribution of the material in any medium or format, provided that full and accurate credit is given to the author, the date of publication, and the location of the review on the RA website. You may not distribute the modified material. RA reserves the right to withdraw permission for republication of individual reviews at any time and for any specific case. For any other proposed uses, contact RA’s Editor-in-Chief. The opinions represented in the reviews and published on the RA Reviews website are not necessarily those held by RA and its Review editorial team.
ISSN 2575-6990