Volume 1, Issue 2 – Sept. 2017

Volume 1, Issue 2– September, 2017

Volume 1 (2017), Issue 2 # 1-13
These reviews may be found on the RA Reviews website at: https://researchafrica.duke.edu/ra-reviews/volume-1-issue-2-september-2017/

RA Reviews’ Editorial Voice: Reviewing Works, Moving Ahead
Muhammed Haron (Editor-in-Chief).

#1 Book: Critique of Black Reason
Author: Achille Mbembe.Year: 2017
Reviewed by: Wendy Wilson-Fall, Associate professor, Lafayette College.

#2 Book: Beyond Timbuktu: An Intellectual History of Muslim West Africa
Author: Ousmane Oumar Kane.Year:2016
Reviewed by: Rüdiger Seesemann, Professor, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

#3 Book: Fake Healing Claims for HIV and AIDS in Malawi
Author: Kalus Fiedler.Year: 2016
Reviewed by: Charles Muiruri, PhD, Program Director, Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University.

#4 Book: Obama-Mentum: An Anthology of Transformational Poetry
Author: Abdul-Rasheed Na’Allah (Editor). Year: 2016
Reviewed by: Youssef Carter J. visiting scholar at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill / Anthropology at the University of California-Berkeley.

#5 Book: Transformations of The Islamic Discourse in Africa: from Sufi Reform to Boko Haram (Arabic Text).
Author: Hamdi Abdurrahman Hassan. Year: 2015
Reviewed by: Randa Mousa, an Egyptian public intellectual ; translated with commentary by Badr Abdelfattah Badr, Ain Shams University, Cairo.

#6 Essay Review: The Production of History and Culture in Africa Revisited: Problems, Methods, Sources
Author: Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova. Year: 2013
Reviewed by: Muhammed Haron, Professor, University of Botswana & University of Pretoria.

#7 Essay Review: The Current State of HIV Treatment and Research in Africa
Authors: John A. Bartlett, MD, Professor of Medicine, Duke University & Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Charles Muiruri, PhD, Duke Global Health Institute & Habib Omari, MD/PhD, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

#8 Report Review: The Turbulence between AKP and Hizmet: the African Case
Author: Erkan Toguslu.Year: 2017
Reviewed by: O. Sener, Visiting Research Fellow/ Open University, London.

Arabic Books

#9 Book: الثقافة والمثقفون فى أفريقيا
Author: Hilmi Sharawi: 2015
Reviewed by: Mohamed Hagag, Institute of African Studies and Research, Cairo University

#10 Book: النفحات الـمِسكية في السيرة البكية
Author: محمد بن عبيد الرحمن العلوي…Year: 2017
Reviewed by: Bamba Drame, Dar El Hadith El Hassaniya Institute, Rabat Morocco

#11 Journal Review: مجلة البحثية تنهي عامها الثالث”رحلة نحو تجديد المدركات الجماعية العربية”
Author: Studies Center at Khaled Al-Hassan Foundation, Rabat, 2016-17
Reviewed by: Said Al-Hassan, Professor, Mohammed V University, Rabat.

#12 Response to a previous Review of: أفارقة و عرب في ثورة زنجبار
Book Reviewed in Volume 1:1 by: Mbaye Lo, Associate Professor of the Practice, Duke University. Response by the Author: Walaa Sabir El-Bosaty, Institute of African Studies and Research, Cairo University.


#13 Film: Noem My Skollie. Director: Daryne Joshua; Writer / Screenplay: John W. Fredericks. Year: 2016
Reviewed by: Armien Cassiem, Independent Cape Town Researcher.

Review Team
Editor-In-Chief & Associate Editors
• Muhammed Haron, Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Theology & Religious Studies, University of Botswana, Executive Member, Centre for Contemporary Islam, University of Cape Town, & Associate Research in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria (haronm@mopipi.ub.bw). (Editor-In-Chief)
• Wendy Wilson-Fall, Associate Professor and Chair, Africana Studies Program Oeschle Center for International Education, Lafayette College (wilsonfw@lafayette.edu);
• Hassan Juma Ndzovu, PhD. Senior Lecturer of Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Moi University, Kenya (hassan.ndzovu@gmail.com);
• Yunus Dumbe, PhD. Religious Studies Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Accra, Ghana, (ydumbe@gmail.com);
• Badr Abdelfattah Badr, PhD Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (badr_elkafy@edu.asu.edu.eg);
• Bamba Drame, Dar El Hadith El Hassaniya Institute, Rabat Morocco, (ndrame.online@gmail.com);
• Mbaye Lo, Associate Professor of the Practice, Duke
University; (mbayelo@duke.edu).

Research Africa
Copyright © 2017 by Research Africa, (research_africa-editor@duke.edu), all rights reserved. RA allows for copy and redistribution of the material in any medium or format, provided that full and accurate credit is given to the author, the date of publication, and the location of the review on the RA website. You may not distribute the modified material. RA reserves the right to withdraw permission for republication of individual reviews at any time and for any specific case. For any other proposed uses, contact RA’s Editor-in-Chief. The opinions represented in the reviews and published on the RA Reviews website are not necessarily those held by RA and its Review editorial team.

ISSN 2575-6990