Current Issue

Volume 8, Issue 2– August 2024

Volume 8 (2024), Issue 2 # 1-10
These reviews may be found on the Research Africa Reviews website.

#1 Book: Poverty and Wealth in East Africa: A Conceptual History.
Author: Rhiannon Stephens. Year: 2022.
Reviewed by: Nathaniel Mathews, SUNY-Binghamton.

#2 Book: Animist Chants and Memorials.
Author: Harry Garuba. Year: 2017.
Reviewed by: Ahmet Sait Akcay, African Studies, University of Cape Town.

#3 Book: Africanism: Blacks in the Medieval Arab Imaginary.
Author: Nader Kadhem. Translator: Amir Al-Azraki. Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Mbaye Lo, Duke University

#4 Book: The Palgrave Handbook of Christianity in Africa from Apostolic Times to the Present.
Author: Andrew Eugene Barnes and Toyin Falola (editors). Year: 2024
Reviewed by: Bourouayah Mohamed, Former vice-rector of Emir Abdelkader University, Constantine, Algeria.

#5 Book: Ordinary Whites in Apartheid Society: Social Histories of Accommodation.
Author: Roos Neil. Year: 2024
Reviewed by: Hezron Romanus Kangalawe, Department of History, University of Dar es Salaam.

#6 Book: Covid-19 in Africa: Governance and Containment.
Author: Susan Arndt, Yacouba Banhoro, Taibat Lawanson, Enocent Msindo, and Peter T. Simatei (Editors). Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Adebisi Alade, University of Victoria – Canada.

#7 Book: Poverty and Wealth in East Africa: A Conceptual History.
Author: Stephens Rhiannon. Year: 2022.
Reviewed by: Muhamed Lunyago, MISR, Makerere University, Uganda.

#8 Book: Rebellious Riots: Entangled Geographies of Contention in Africa.
Author: Sam Kniknie and Karen Bscher, (editors). Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Reem Abohussien, political researcher, Cairo, Egypt.

#9 Book: Kingdom Come: The Politics of Faith and Freedom in Segregationist South Africa and Beyond.
Author: Tshepo Masango Chéry. Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Thobile Ndimande, Yale University.

#10 Book: Maghreb Noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial.
Author: Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik. Year: 2023.
Reviewed by: Ayanda Nombila, University of the Western Cape.

Review Team
Editor-In-Chief & Associate Editors
Muhammed Haron, former Professor of Religious Studies: University of Botswana & Associate Researcher: Stellenbosch University, South Africa. ( & ( (Editor-In-Chief);
Wendy Wilson-Fall, Chair, Africana Studies Program Oeschle Center for International Education, Lafayette College (;
Bamba Drame, PhD, Dar El Hadith El Hassaniya Institute, Rabat Morocco, (;
Alinah Segobye, Northwest University, South Africa & Botswana, (;
Ifeyinwa Okolo, Associate Professor, Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria, (;
Hamdy Hassan, Cairo University, Egypt & Zayd University, UAE (
Mbaye Lo, Associate Professor of the Practice, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, and International Comparative Studies, Duke
University; (

Research Africa
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ISSN 2575-6990.